ESPHome: Reed Switch
This summer my living room window is open quite often and I would like to see if I forgot to close it, while I am not at home. I looted reed switches years ago somewhere and never tried using them.
First I experimented on a breadboard with a Pico. But when everything worked out I replaced the Pico with an unused cheap ESP8266 from years ago and deployed it to the living room window I open often.
Using a reed switch is as easy as it can get. When used with a Pico or an ESP connect one side to Ground and the other one to a Pin that can be pulled up. For the ESP8266 this doesn't work for all the Pins, I used D4.
The switch with a magnet attached looks like this:
I setup at a window by attaching the magnet to the moving part (the window) and the electronics (the reed switch and the ESP/Pico) to the frame. My setup with the ESP8266 looks like this:
I used multiple magnets to be sure the switch will work.
The ESPHome setup for the ESP8266 (I ommit the wifi, api, ota part here):
esphome: name: lolin1 esp8266: board: nodemcuv2 framework: version: recommended binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: D4 mode: input: true pullup: true name: "Living Room Window" device_class: window
Important here is setting the pullup and input to true.
In Homeassistant:
Of course this can be used to trigger actions in Homeassistant. I am thinking about an LED at the door to my appartment to immediatly see if the window is closed when leaving. But maybe this is a bit too much. :)