Homeassistant Weather in Statusbar
I am using Sway as windowmanager with waybar as statusbar.
In this statusbar I use wttr.in to show the current weather by calling curl "https://wttr.in/Stuttgart+Germany?format=2"
Since a few months this is a bit unrealiable, so I wanted to use Homeassistant as datasource.
Both wttr.in and the most used weather plugin in Homeassistant use met.no as datasource.
The weather in my statusbar looks like this with wttr.in:
I want to rebuild the same look with Homeassistant. My version of the Homeassistant template in a curl call looks like this:
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_LONG_LIVED_TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"template": "{% set w=states.weather.forecast_home.attributes %}{{ {\"clear-night\": \"✨\", \"cloudy\": \"☁️\", \"exceptional\": \"✨\", \"fog\": \"🌫\", \"hail\": \"🌨\", \"lightning\": \"🌩\", \"lightning-rainy\": \"⛈\", \"partlycloudy\": \"⛅️\", \"pouring\": \"🌨\", \"rainy\": \"🌧\", \"snowy\": \"❄️\", \"snowy-rainy\": \"🌨\", \"sunny\": \"☀️\", \"windy\": \"💨\", \"windy-variant\": \"💨\"}[w.condition] }} 🌡️{{ \"%+d\"|format(w.temperature) }}°C 🌬️{{ [\"↓\", \"↙\", \"←\", \"↖\", \"↑\", \"↗\", \"→\", \"↘\"][int(((w.wind_bearing+22.5)%360)/45.0)] }}{{ w.wind_speed|round }}km/h"}' \ http://localhost:8123/api/template
At the start we set a variable with the current weather and call it w
This reduces the characters needed for the following variable access.
The condition emojis are based on constants in the Homeassistant code.
The temperature is inserted as number with a manditory sign in front by using the format
filter from Jinja2.
The wind bearings are a list with 8 values accessed by the degree values from the weather plugin and transformed to values from 0 to 8. The formula is from the wttr.in code.
The result looks like this, which is pretty similar to the wttr.in-version.
I am using the weather data from Homeassistant in different places now (i.e. my kindle status display) and they were pretty reliable in the last weeks.