AllenNLP: reverse sequence example

The tutorial of joeynmt inspired me to replicate their tutorial using AllenNLP.

This post was tested with Python 3.7 and AllenNLP 0.8.4.


Download the generator script from joeynmt

mkdir -p tools; cd tools
cd ..

As prerequisite to run the script you should already have installed allennlp (for numpy).

mkdir data; cd data
python ../tools/
cd ..
For the seq2seq datareader of AllenNLP the data needs to be converted to tabulator separated csv.
paste should be part of every unix installation.

cd data
paste dev.src dev.trg > dev.csv
paste test.src test.trg > test.csv
paste train.src train.trg > train.csv
cd ..


This configuration is as close as possible to the one given by the joeynmt tutorial (reverse.yaml).

  "dataset_reader": {
    "type": "seq2seq",
    "source_tokenizer": {
      "type": "word"
    "target_tokenizer": {
      "type": "word"
  "train_data_path": "data/train.csv",
  "validation_data_path": "data/dev.csv",
  "test_data_path": "data/test.csv",
  "model": {
    "type": "simple_seq2seq",
    "max_decoding_steps": 30,
    "use_bleu": true,
    "beam_size": 10,
    "attention": {
      "type": "bilinear",
      "vector_dim": 128,
      "matrix_dim": 128
    "source_embedder": {
      "tokens": {
        "type": "embedding",
        "embedding_dim": 16
      "encoder": {
        "type": "lstm",
        "input_size": 16,
        "hidden_size": 64,
        "bidirectional": true,
        "num_layers": 1,
        "dropout": 0.1
    "iterator": {
      "type": "bucket",
      "batch_size": 50,
      "sorting_keys": [["source_tokens", "num_tokens"]]
    "trainer": {
      "cuda_device": 0,
      "num_epochs": 100,
      "learning_rate_scheduler": {
        "type": "reduce_on_plateau",
        "factor": 0.5,
        "mode": "max",
        "patience": 5
      "optimizer": {
        "lr": 0.001,
        "type": "adam"
      "num_serialized_models_to_keep": 2,
      "patience": 10

Change cuda_device to -1 if you have no GPU.

How to train

allennlp train reverse_configuration.json -s output

How to predict one sequence

echo '{"source": "15 28 32 4", "target": "4 32 28 15"}' > reverse_example.json
allennlp predict output/model.tar.gz reverse_example.json --predictor simple_seq2seq

Results in:

  "class_log_probabilities": [-0.000591278076171875, -9.015453338623047, -9.495574951171875, -9.83004093170166, -10.022026062011719, -10.089068412780762, -10.098409652709961, -10.247438430786133, -10.416641235351562, -10.431619644165039],
  "predictions": [[24, 17, 22, 4, 3], [24, 16, 22, 4, 3], [24, 15, 22, 4, 3], [24, 35, 22, 4, 3], [24, 17, 6, 4, 3], [24, 17, 14, 4, 3], [24, 17, 22, 12, 3], [24, 17, 22, 10, 3], [24, 17, 22, 5, 3], [24, 11, 22, 4, 3]],
  "predicted_tokens": ["4", "32", "28", "15"]

Some training insights

The plots (using tensorboard) showing expected training loss and validation loss. The BLEU score is nearly 1.0.

Training loss:


Validation loss:




Future work

The attention visualizations shown in the joeynmt tutorial are not yet implemented in AllenNLP. This will be a future blog post (hopefully).