start script with systemd
I wanted to shoot as many photos as possible with a raspicam.
But no photos at night (the hours are in UTC).
Save the file as /root/
and set the file as executable.
#!/bin/sh mkdir /root/images while true do sleep 1 if (( `date +%H` < 21 )); then if (( `date +%H` > 2 )); then /opt/vc/bin/raspistill -o /root/images/`date +%s`.jpg -rot 180 fi fi done
Archlinuxarm doesn't have a rc.local file. So I had to use systemd to start the script and keep it alive:
[Unit] Description=Camera shooting service [Service] ExecStart=/root/ Restart=on-failure [Install]
Save as /etc/systemd/system/camera.service
and enable it with systemctl enable camera.service
It will start now at the next boot.