Posts about hardware
- Rasperry Pico 2 Exploration
- ESPHome: GPS Time
- ESPHome: OLED Display
- ESPHome: Reed Switch
- Micropython and Bluetooth on the nRF chip
- Running Redis on Raspberry PI Zeros
- ESPHome: CO2 Sensors
- ESPHome: Over The Air Update
- Raspberry PI Heatsinks
- Seeed XIAO BLE nRF52840 with Micropython
- ESP32 with Rust
- Raspberry PI Pico with Rust (Embassy)
- Compare the temperature measurement of the Pico
- Pico and MicroPython to display GPS data
- Using OLED Displays with MicroPython and the Pico
- Raspberry PI Pico with Micropython
- ESPHome: Raspberry PI Pico W
- ESPHome: Wemos ESP32 OLED
- Packer Image Building for RaspiOS Bookworm
- Automatically build Raspberry PIs using Ansible
- Update CPU cooling after some years
- Reparing AKG 702 cable break
- Use pi camera on Raspberry pi with archlinux-arm
- Use I2C on raspberry pi with archlinux-arm
- Raspberry PI Shutdown on button press
- Raspberry DNS problems with ArchLinuxARM and DNSSEC
- Raspberry PI tty1 monitor autostart
- Particles sensor of opendata-stuttgart
- Shinyei PPD42NS dust sensor
- Voltage Regulator
- First steps with the ESP8266
- ESP8266 Learnings